What is Haskell Programming Language?


What is Haskell Programming?

A functional programming language designed to work with applications for symbolic computation and list processing is called Haskell programming language and a functional programming language like Haskell programming language combines separate mathematical functions and considers it as a computation unlike the traditional programming languages which takes a set of instructions in a specified format and it stands out from other programming languages because of the features like providing thunk data structure, modularity, maintainability and it is a statistically typed programming language and this programming language is concurrent and execution happens in parallel thereby providing better performance and also handles multithreading more effectively.

Uses of Haskell Programming Language

The necessity to use haskell programming languageis as follows:

  • While using haskell programming language, we only need to tell what it is to the computer and it is not necessary to explain what to do and how to do because it is a functional language.
  • Any expression is not evaluated by haskell programming language.
  • When there is a need for evaluation of any expression, the necessary information required to perform the evaluation is done by the think data structure and a pointer is created to that thunk data structure and working of this evaluation engine begins only when the expression needs to be evaluated.
  • The haskell application on the whole is a collection of several small haskell applications.
  • A strictly typed language is the one in which we do not have to specify the type of variables because the compiler is so much intelligent that it can determine the type of the variables and hence avoiding the necessity to specify the type of variables. Haskell programming language is a strictly typed language.
  • Because the haskell application on the whole is a collection of several small haskell applications and modular, maintenance is very easy and cost effective.
  • Haskell programming language supports concurrency.
  • Haskell programming language follows parallelism in execution.
  • Haskell programming language provides good and accurate performance.
  • Effective handling of multithreading is done by Haskell programming language.
  • Haskell programming language improves the productivity of the programmers.
  • The coding in haskell programming language is short, clear and easily maintained.
  • Haskell programming language offers very high reliability.
  • There is a semantic gap between the programmer and Haskell programming language.
  • The lead times are shorter while using haskell programming language.
  • Haskell programming language is suitable for a wide variety of applications.
  • Those programs that offers more modifiability and demands maintenance can be written using haskell programming language.
  • Specifications can be written using haskell programming language.
  • The programs written using haskell programming language are easier to understand.
  • Haskell programming language is a statistically types language and hence there are no core dumps in Haskell programming language.
  • Haskell programming language offers polymorphism.
  • Abstractions that are powerful is provided by haskell programming language.
  • The burden of storage management is avoided in haskell programming language and it provides an in built memory management system.

Working of Haskell Programming Language

The working of Haskell programming language is as follows:

  • Haskell programming language is a single expression whose execution is by evaluation of expression.
  • Haskell programming language is designed to work with applications for symbolic computation and list processing.
  • A functional programming language like Haskell programming language combines separate mathematical functions and considers it as a computation, unlike the traditional programming languages which takes a set of instructions in a specified format.
  • Haskell programming language stands out from other programming languages because of the features like providing thunk data structure, modularity, maintainability and it is a statistically typed programming language.
  • Haskell programming language is concurrent and execution happens in parallel thereby providing better performance and also handles multithreading more effectively.
  • While using haskell programming language, we only need to tell what it is to the computer and it is not necessary to explain what to do and how to do because it is a functional language.
  • Any expression is not evaluated by haskell programming language.
  • When there is a need for evaluation of any expression, the necessary information required to perform the evaluation is done by the think data structure and a pointer is created to that thunk data structure and working of this evaluation engine begins only when the expression needs to be evaluated.
  • A strictly typed language is the one in which we do not have to specify the type of variables because the compiler is so much intelligent that it can determine the type of the variables and hence avoiding the necessity to specify the type of variables. Haskell programming language is a strictly typed language.


The advantages of haskell programming language is as follows:

  • Haskell programming language supports concurrency.
  • Haskell programming language follows parallelism in execution.
  • Haskell programming language provides good and accurate performance.
  • Haskell programming language is suitable for a wide variety of applications.
  • Those programs that offers more modifiability and demands maintenance can be written using haskell programming language.
  • Specifications can be written using haskell programming language.
  • The programs written using haskell programming language are easier to understand.
  • Haskell programming language is a statistically types language and hence there are no core dumps in Haskell programming language.
  • Haskell programming language offers polymorphism.
  • Abstractions that are powerful is provided by haskell programming language.
  • The burden of storage management is avoided in haskell programming language and it provides an in built memory management system.


The disadvantages of haskell programming language is as follows:

  • The programs written in Haskell programming language are slower for those applications demanding the most performance.
  • Haskell programming language is very much different from other programming languages and hence learning Haskell programming languages will make us forget other programming languages.
  • Haskell programming language is complicated to learn.
  • Cryptic programs can be written using Haskell programming language but we may not able to understand those programs few days later.

Applications of Haskell Programming Language

There are several applications of Haskell programming language, some of them are as follows:

Haskell programming language is used in the implementation of many real world applications such as Pugs, Docon, Postmaster and Dukan, Flippi, Monadius, Dumatel, AMuZed and zoom, CheckRDF, Paradox, Langauage Prototyping system, Haskell in space, Darcs, David tweeds Haskell programs, Paradox, Knit, paratrooper, Vision of persistence, Frag, webservers written in Haskell, etc.

Career Scope

Career scope in Haskell programming language:

The shortest way to get a programmer job is not by learning Haskell. Becoming a Haskell professional is possible and knowing Haskell can even open doors to several opportunities but from a payment point of view, other popular programming languages stand ahead of Haskell programming language.


In this article, we have learnt about Haskell programming language through definition, the need for Haskell programming language, the working of Haskell programming language, the advantages of working with Haskell programming language, the disadvantages of working with Haskell programming language and the applications of Haskell programming language.

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